





~ by li0nh34rt on February 4, 2009.

6 Responses to “下雨了”

  1. Dude… u alright??
    dun emo k..
    no one know what will happen next..
    but we cant always dwell in the past rite??
    I guess u know all these as well..
    i know.. sometimes ppl just cant help emo a little bit..
    anyhow, cheer up soon k..
    u will find everything will go more smoothly when u face it with a smile..
    take good care mate…

  2. haha… thanks bro. i’m fine lah. just the rain. just for that few minutes i feel that way. hahaha. =D

  3. Hello emo boi! I didn’t read much of what Chinese you typed but I saw XIA YU, so must be bad.
    HAHA, cheer up ok!

  4. lol…. how intuitive… hahaha… xia yu might be good also what… lol

  5. wey wey… hahahahahahaha ur written chinese is very good for a pseudo chinese person like u hahahahahahahah =p cheer up LANNIES!

    ~always ur BEE

  6. >_< haha… thanks~

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